Children are always welcome at CWCN. We love having them around and involved when we plant trees or when we go on field trips or do surveys. Nothing is better than seeing a young generation keen to discover and loving our natural environment. There is no nature deficit disorder possible at CWCN. We have plenty of offerings. Among them are regular working bees on bushcare sites, participation in fauna surveys, and family fun days with community plantings as well as educational activities tailored to be enjoyed by children. Arts and craft activities using recycled materials are very popular as are the ones described below.
Stories from the Wild is a popular series of storytelling for the young ones from Kindy to prep and often attended by little fans who have already started primary school. We always use a quality children's book with an environmental or sustainability theme - i.e. The Lorax by Dr Seuss - and follow up with additional activities afterwards. In the case of The Lorax the children created their own Truffula trees.
In our Watch Out! Enviro Detectives About! program prep and early primary school children are able to explore and investigate through play and experiments.
- Dora Droplet and Ruben Rubbish (Water)
- Chloe Cloud and Randolph Rainbow (Weather)
- Fenella Flutterwing and Munching Mike (Butterflies)
- Roaring Rhonda and William Whisper (Sound, Noise)
- Sandra Seedling and Benjamin Bean (Plants)
- Erik Echo and Wendy Wing (Bats)
- Moira Mud and Louis Loam (Soil)
- Tristan Truffle and Pixie Cap (Fungi)
- Lilly Lollybush and Tommy Tuckeroo (Trees)
- Howard Whodunnit and Pamel O'Paw (Tracks and Scats)
Our Nature Check program is designed for older children (8 to 11 years old). We have expanded our program to accommodate their needs. This program will be further developed over time and more topics will be added:
- Birds & Birding
- Water & Water Critters
- Life in Soil and Leaf Litter
We are highly appreciative of Brisbane Airport Corporation having sponsored our Enviro Detectives Program. Their support has helped us to purchase equipment and materials, secure the running of these activities, and to keep the participation fees down. Thank you!
We are always looking out for additional sponsorship. Our children’s program has been a roaring success since the start. Children continue to come back for additional activities, and we hope we'll be able to provide them with interesting topics for many years to come. All support is welcome.
Keep your eye on CWCN’s Diary for exciting children’s events throughout the year.