The Cubberla-Witton Catchments Network Inc (CWCN) is registered as a charity with the Australian Charities and Not-for-profits Commission (ABN 21 367 529 654).
CWCN greatly appreciates the support we receive from community, sponsors and partners, without whom we would not be able to provide our valuable community and environmental programs.

We wish to acknowledge the following sponsors and supporters.

Brisbane City Council logo

The immense material support received through the provision and establishment of CWCN's Catchments Centre in Chapel Hill and the help of the Lord Mayor, Councillors and Council staff. Special thanks are going to former Councillors Jane Prentice (Walter Taylor Ward),  former Councillor Julian Simmonds (Walter Taylor Ward and successor of Jane Prentice)/then Chair of Finance, Economic Development and Administration Committee, and to former Cr Margaret de Wit (Pullenvale Ward)/then Chairman of Council and Councillor.

Lord Mayor's Community Fund and the Councillor for Pullenvale Ward (then Cr Kate Richards) as well as the Councillor for Walter Taylor Ward (Cr James Mackay) for contributing to the printing of CWCN's anniversary booklet. We are also gratetul for a contribution to the catering at our community celebration at Greenhill Reservoir received via the Lord Mayor's Community Fund and the Councillor for the Walter Taylor Ward. 

 The ongoing support received through the Conservation Partnerships Program and especially the wonderful Officers of the Habitat Brisbane  and the Creek Catchment Officer Program for their immense support across our activities.

Sponsorship for a much needed and used trailer

Miscellaneous Projects now completed or under way through BCC's Community Conservation Assistance Program benefiting several sites across our catchments
Environmental grants  enabling weed control and other work across multiple rehabilitation sites across our catchemnts,
and contributing to CWCN's administration expenses 
 Ongoing support of our water quality monitoring activities through training and mentoring and the monthly calibration of our electronic monitoring device.

Queensland Government

Community Sustainability Action Grant - Threatened Species
supporting supporting the raising of Pararistolochia praevenosa vines and their establishment in rehabilitation sites across our catchments for our project 
Bringing back the Richmond Birdwing Butterfly  to Brisbane's Inner West.


QWaLC logo

For the immense support provided by covering our Public Liability, Personal Accident and Association Liability Insurance through Queensland Government Funds.



For facilitating animal ethics permits for fauna surveys.

For incorporating a project at the Brisbane River, St Lucia into their allocation of the Brisbane Communities Working Together Initiative What’s your nature?

For facilitating Brisbane's Big Butterfly Count which has benefited CWCN and local bushcare groups by using bioindicators to assess rehabilitation success and habitat health, and providing a forum for community engagement and learning. 

The Local Bulletin short

For showing true community spirit and providing ongoing support through promoting CWCN activities including festivals and educatinal activities.  



For showing community spirit, social responsibility for adopting an area in the upper reaches of Cubberla Creek and contributing to its rehabilitation by hands on work during several working bees per year now over several years.

For Golder Associates' generous contribution to the printing of  CWCN's anniversary booklet. 




For showing community spirit by providing generous material support for the creation of bee hotels during a children's activity