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CWCN Book Club Program 2024

The 11th year of CWCN's Book Club will see another year of great titles and lively discussions. The book club began in 2014 and has been going strong ever since.  Two hours of great conversation, lots of food for thought, lots of provision of information, and lots of laughter while not necessarily agreeing in debate. Everyone is welcome to our sessions. Please find out more about the books to be discussed in 2024 by viewing the flyer. .


Collage of different seeds 2023 JG 2

Seed Propagation at CWCN

Our CWCN nursery is a busy and social hub. There is plenty to do from collecting seeds and setting them up for germination, from pricking out to potting on, from watering to general maintenance. There are training opportunities and fun-filled working bees. Please note, we are an important part of CWCN's Bringing Back the Richmond Birdwing Butterfly to Brisbane's Inner West project. We raise the vines from seeds to ensure best success and required numbers. -  If you have questions or  would like to be involved please contact us.

NTD 2016 650

The Great Outdoors in Brisbane's Inner West
Nothing beats working in the outdoors. It's benefitial to your mental and physical health, and can be an enjoyable time for an entire family. Weeds  need to be attended to to make space for our native flora, and our wildlife movement corridors will need further repair to enhance our biodiversity. Participate in our many activities.  Check out our page 'Get involved' and consider where you may want to help us restore our natural assets. 
    Charity Oz Gov 621w
    CWCN is registered as a charity with the Australian Charities and Not-for-profits Commission (ABN 21 367 529 654). Your donations are tax deductible.  
    BBBC logo col JPEG
    The fifth season of Brisbane's Big Butterfly Count is under way. CWCN is again  involved in this fantastic citizen science project with surveys and as location for workshops. Please regularly check our Diary for events.
    Microbat Survey in 
    Brisbane's Inner West Catchments
    The results of our exciting 2014/15 survey are available for perusing. A minimum of 15 microbat species call Brisbane's Inner West home. The report contains details on these bats and their habitat, points out the importance for wildlife corridors and elaborates on the ecosystem services bats provide.
    Download the electronic version of the report by clicking on the link below.
    Microbats of Brisbane's Inner West (1,3 Mb). A printable version can be obtained by contacting us.
    Thank you Brisbane City Council for funding this important survey!